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Normal Price
RM 14.50
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Product Description

Pears are cold in nature, rich in water content, and high in sugar, mainly soluble sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose, and contain a variety of organic acids, so they taste sweet, juicy and refreshing, and pears are sweet and pleasant. After eating, it is full of coolness, nourishment, and antipyretic. It can relieve cough and reduce fluid, clear the heart and moisturize the throat, reduce heat and relieve heat, and be a refreshing fruit for summer and autumn fever; it can also moisturize the lungs, relieve cough, and reduce phlegm. Effective for patients suffering from colds, coughs, acute and chronic bronchitis.
Pear fruits, peels, roots, peels, branches, and leaves can all be used as medicine. Cool in nature, sweet and slightly sour, enter the lungs and stomach meridian, can reduce body fluid and moisturize dryness, clear away heat and resolve phlegm. Indications include fever, body fluid injury, hot cough, polydipsia, panic, choking, and constipation.
After the winter, many people often feel dry skin, dizziness, drowsiness, and reduced reaction ability. At this time, if you can eat some fruits that can relieve thirst and moisturize the throat, you will feel refreshed and comfortable. The fruit with health and medical properties in winter is pear.